Australia’s 6 New Student Visa Rules in 2024: Fully Explained

On 23rd March 2024, Australia brought in 6 new changes in the immigration laws for international students.

These changes are primarily aimed at identifying and sorting out genuine study-abroad aspirants and skilled graduates.

These new set of rules were brought in following a drastic 60% surge in immigration in 2023.

Let’s look in detail at these 6 new student visa rules.

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1. Replacement of GTE with GS

Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) – Requires the student to submit a 300-word statement explaining why they want a temporary stay in Australia.

Genuine Student (GS) – Involves a set of questions to be answered in 150 words or less. This is for the immigration department to evaluate the student visa application.

Through the answers, students must demonstrate the genuineness of their;

  • Current familial, career, and economic circumstances.
  • Reason to select the preferred university and course in Australia.
  • Career prospects of the chosen course.
  • Previous employment and educational qualifications.
  • Plans for the potential stay in Australia.
  • History of immigration to Australia or any other country.

2. Revision of Language Eligibility Scores

Visa Type Earlier IELTS Score RequirementNew IELTS Score Requirement
Student Visa Subclass 500 5.5 6.0
Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 4856.0 6.5

The minimum score required to show English proficiency in IELTS or any equivalent examination has been increased. 

The score essential for Student Visa Subclass 500 has changed from an IELTS (or equivalent) score of 5.5 to 6.0. For Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 485, it has been lifted from 6.0 to 6.5. 

Additionally, the validity of the examination is decreased from 3 years to 1 year for the Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 485. 

3. Increased Financial Requirement

Financial Requirement For Student Visa Application
Previous24,505 AUD
New29,710 AUD

Prospective students planning for admission in Australian universities must now show savings of at least $29,710, which reflects a 21% increase from previous levels.

This change is introduced taking into consideration the increased cost of living for students studying in Australia. 

4. Reduction of Age Limit for Temporary Graduate Visa

Effective from 1 July 2024, the maximum age limit for individuals applying for the Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) will be lowered to 35 years. Earlier the age limit was till 50 years.

5. The ‘No Further Stay’ Condition

International students who have finished their study period and visa validity are not allowed to apply for another visa type such as a work visa or permanent residency while in Australia (except for specific conditions approved by the Australian government). 

To convert to another visa category, international students must exit Australia and apply for it from their home country. 

Conditions Where Visa Extension Is Not Allowed

  1. Several international students who find less chances for permanent residency, extend their student visa by moving from course to course, particularly to courses that are below their current level of study, to prolong their stay in Australia.
  2. Also the government will restrict “Temporary Graduate Visa” holders from transferring back to student visas while onshore.

In order to restrict this visa hopping, the government has introduced stricter GS evaluation for students applying for a new student visa while in Australia.

Conditions Where Visa Extension Is Allowed

  1. Graduates who are equipped with the skills enlisted in the Skilled Occupation List will be able to apply for the new Skills in Demand visa or a permanent skilled visa. The graduates who are not eligible must exit Australia and apply for it from their home country. 

6. Introduction of the “Skills in Demand” Visa

The “Temporary Skills Shortage (Subclass 482)” Visa is substituted by the new “Skills in Demand” Visa.

This visa offers three pathways for migrant workers namely;

  1. Specialist Skills Pathway
  2. Core Skills Pathway
  3. Essential Skills Pathway

Indian students who have finished their studies in the demanded professional fields can apply for this visa in a streamlined manner. 

So if you are planning to study in Australia or are already a student there, then knowing these 6 new changes is crucial for you.

Plan ahead for the increased financial requirements, IELTS Scores, and the other mentioned changes.

To reduce your financial burden, you can use ExTravelMoney to transfer money from India to Australia.

We’ll get the transfer done for you at the lowest exchange rates and fees while maintaining the same safety and security as banks.

Also Read: The Complete Guide For First Time Indian Students In Australia


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